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Lovnin äänitaiteilija
Photo: Alice Verlaine Corbion

Bravo!-festival, Compagnie de la Casquette: LOVNI

Lovni is an immersive, intimate, sensitive and musical experience. A moment just for you. As you are the passenger, you tell your own story.

You are invited to make a journey in Captain Isabelle and Zoé’ s Ship. They will take care of you and make you travel like never before. All along the journey, you will cross landscapes made of sounds and colours. Under your blanket, under your eyelids, you will sail wherever you want. 


To which country will you go? Maybe you will fly around the Universe or dive deeply in the hollow of the earth?  


As you are the passenger, you tell your own story. All at the same time, you can make a journey into the nature, through the deep waters of the ocean with whales around you, you might get into caverns where you'll meet a bear, or a marsh where you will wander about... Maybe you'll become an ant, or come across a deer.  


The senses of touch, sight and hearing are stimulated during the performance.  


The performance has also been performed for children and adults with profound disabilities. We are all here together. 

 Age recommendation: 3-9-years 

Duration: 60 min. 

 Musical conception: Zoé Sevrin and Isabelle Verlaine 


Music, Theatre, dance and circus, safety and security


Adventure, Concert, Performance

Target groups

3-4 years, 5-6 years, Grades 1–2, Preparatory education


children (age groups), participation, sound art, theatre (art forms)

Event languages



Queueing allowed

Kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala

Contact person

Katariina Metsälampi


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